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Developments of Sensor Measurement Systems
1. Outline
(1) Necessity of Signal Acquisitions from Various Sensors
(i.e., Air-Fuel Ratio, Temperature, Pressure) attached onto Automotive and Industrial Devices
(2) Limitations in Applicability for Existing Commercial Measurement Systems
due to Varieties and Types of Sensors and/or Communication Methods
2. Project
(1) R&D : Electronic Systems for Various Sensor Signals and Communications
(2) Goal : Applicable, Modifiable, and Affordable Sensor Measurement Modules
3. Research & Developments
Process for Sensor Measurement Systems
Developments of Retrofitable DeNOx System
1. Outline
(1) Of Concerns on Air Pollutants, especially NOx, out of Diesel Engines
(2) Volumes of On/Off-Road Vehicles and/or Marine Vessels,
Operating currently WITHOUT Appropriate DeNOx Devices
(3) Though Legal under Blind-Spots for Established Emissions Regulations,
but INCORRECT for Sustainability Sakes of Environments and Humanity
(4) Newer Policy Establishment Required;
(a) Inducement to Early Abandonment or to Change of Power Sources
(b) Retrofit Appropriate DeNOx Systems to lessen NOx Emissions
2. Project
(1) R&D : A Retrofitable DeNOx System, i.e., Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) of NOx
(2) Goal : SCR System that is Simple, Affordable, and Expedient (Easy) to Adoption
3. Research & Developments
Components for Typical SCR Systems
Key Directions of Developments for Retrofitable SCR systems
① H/W Affordability
→ Can certain Sensers in Typical SCR system be Removed or Replaced?
i.e., Level Sensor in Urea Tank → Possibly by Urea Consumption Modeling,
NOx Sensor upstream SCR → Possibly by Engine-Out NOx Modeling, etc.
② S/W Symplicity
→ Control Logic should be Independabe from Engine Operating Paramters (ECU),
or The Dependancy to ECU should be minimized in Retrofitable Level.
③ H/W & S/W Adoptability
→ How flexible to arrage, to place, and to equip around/into Existing Engine Systems
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